Yep, me too.

Have you ever had a failed launch that’s made you feel like shit?

visibility strategist for FEMALE BIZ OWNERS

...and I help ambitious female biz owners grow their audience & email lists fast, in a way that feels aligned, is fun AF and guarantees that they never experience launching like that again. 

I'm Kylie Kelly

Not because it’s you. You’re talented. You’re giving it everything. You’re the real fucking deal. 

But… you do have a problem. 
You have an audience problem. 
Not enough people know you exist. 

So, instead of waiting and wishing that one video goes viral and solves all your problems (which may I add, very rarely happens) you need to grow your audience. Your email list.
Like yesterday.

Spoiler alert: Nothing works. 

Maybe it’s not enough content. Maybe it’s too much. Maybe it’s not cool enough. Maybe you’re not cool enough. Maybe this won’t work. Maybe you just need to invest in this one thing.

Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.

You’ve probably tried spending hours on social media, posting all the time - in all the places - only to feel like you always fall short. 

on my email list in 18 months without SOCIAL MEDIA OR PAID ADS

7k + 

paid members in the EMAIL GROWTH CLUB

250 +

Years self-employed

15 +

why work with me?

I had always heard that the power was in the list. I had no idea what list they were talking about - but I was desperate to find out.

I pivoted to an online business.  
I didn’t know much…
I didn’t know who I wanted to help…
I didn’t know how this was going to work…

→ BUT- I did know that I HAD to build an audience first. 

I spent 10+ years as a wedding photographer, eating baked beans and wondering when I’d get paid next.

I kept thinking that it would pay off one day - but when that day failed to arrive and a pandemic and two kids did instead, I knew it was time to make a change.

I pivoted to an online business.  
I didn’t know much…
I didn’t know who I wanted to help…
I didn’t know how this was going to work…

I just didn't know how.

I continue to play in virtual events - summits, bundles, private podcast collabs, freebie swaps - my email list is now at 7,000+ and I’m consistently making bank, serving incredible women and helping them do the same as I’ve just done in the last 18 months. 

2023 - NOW

I hosted another virtual summit.
Another 600 women were added to my email list. I felt like I stumbled on something super secret & magical. I knew I needed to tell as many women as I could that building your email list gets to be easy - and fun!
Who knew! 


I hosted my first online summit. My email list grew from 0 - 600 in ONE week.
I was hooked. 
I made my first $$ through an online purchase, it was $27 - while I was asleep. I felt like I had won the lottery. I was on cloud 9… and couldn’t believe that this was a real thing - that it really happened.

MAY 2022

I had my second baby, Sammy. I tried to go back to a corporate job (big mistake!) I started to do whatever work I could on the side to pay the bills so I could give myself the gift of time to figure this out. What did I actually want to do? I had no fucking idea. 

2020 - 2022 

How it All Happened

You in? I Hope so!

Instead, come and do it the fun, fast way - the way that feels good and get’s to be on your own terms. 
Filling your email list with new, perfect people BEFORE you try to launch again, so you can stand out AND sell out of your beautiful services.

Who has time for that?

Long gone are the days of putting a freebie on your website and waiting 5 years to build a large, engaged email list.

why does this matter to you?

English Breakfast tea within 5 minutes of waking, tickling and listening to my boys belly laugh, intense gym sessions to remind me that I’m deeply alive and mostly unfit and a good skincare routine. I’ve never slept in my makeup. Even when I was in my 20’s and partying too hard. Impressive right?!

Daily rituals:

Binging Netflix with Nick, my biggest cheerleader & husband, and a glass of wine. Or a G&T. We don’t play favourites here. 
Or doing school pickup, recording a podcast or on in slack with my kick-ass clients. I would love to say sleeping - but with two small kids, I don’t get enough of that. 

You can find me:

Judgement or mum guilt, small talk - I’ve been avoiding that since 1985, saying yes when you don’t want to and country music. I can’t stand it. Unless it OG Tay Tay - but then, you can’t really call that country 😉

I don't have time for:

Transparency + honesty always which means straight talk + no BS, fast action, the power of sisterhood and women being on the same team, silver linings and getting out of your comfort zone every now & again. 

I believe in:

Get to Know Me

Together, we’ll prove that you get to build a sustainable business in a way that feels good, without buying another fucking course or missing out on more family time. You’ll never be scared of launching to crickets again… 

We’ll set up systems and strategies that work for you, so you can build your business that works when you don’t, without missing out on all the good stuff.

Don’t let overwhelm or uncertainty sabotage the moves you need to make in your biz.


meet kylie


work with me


Kylie Kelly is a visibility coach, helping female entrepreneurs grow their email list fast!




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